“Is the UK Sterling-Zone an Optimal Currency Area? Comparisons with the Euro Area and the Rest of Europe Using City and Regional Investment Data,” 2025, The Productivity Institute Working Paper No. 051, covered in The Times (with Philip McCann, Paolo Veneri, and Richard Barkham).
“Regions, Cities, and Finance: The Role of Capital Shocks and Banking Reforms in Shaping the UK Geography of Prosperity,” 2024, The Productivity Institute Insights Paper No. 041 (with Colin Mayer and Philip McCann).
“Capital Shocks, the Great Recession, and UK Regional Divergence,” 2024, Regional Studies (with Philip McCann, Paolo Veneri, and Richard Barkham). An earlier version was published as The Productivity Institute Working Paper No. 35.
“Consistent Metropolitan Boundaries for the Remote Sensing of Urban Land,” 2023, Remote Sensing of Environment (with Alexandre Banquet, Paul Delbouve, and Paolo Veneri). Paper in extension of OECD Regional Development Paper No. 18, Paris: OECD Publishing.